Legislative branch
The legislative power in the Republic of Kazakhstan is exercised by a two-chamber Parliament. The Senate is the upper Chamber, the Majilis is the lower Chamber. In conformity with the Constitution, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is deemed as the supreme representative body of the Republic performing legislative functions.
The most significant issues of the country’s life are considered and solved at the joint sessions of both Chambers of the Parliament on a parity basis. The Senate and the Majilis possess both joint and exclusive authorities. The joint sessions of the Parliament Chambers approve the unitary type of government established in Kazakhstan. Disputes arising in the law-making process are settled by means of creating bicameral conciliatory commissions on a parity basis.
The Senate is formed of deputies elected two persons from each region, from each city of the Republican import and from the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan respectively at a joint meeting of deputies of all the representative bodies, a region, a Republican subordination city and the capital of the Republic. The President appoints seven Senators for Senate’s full term of office.
Exclusive Authorities
Following refers to exclusive competence of the Senate:
election and release of office (following the proposal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan) of the Chairman of the Supreme Court, Chairmen of Boards and Supreme Court judges, their taking an oath of office;
granting consent to the Republic President's appointment of the Prosecutor General, the Chairman of the National Security Committee, the Chairman and the judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic;
deprivation of immunity of the Prosecutor General, the Chairman and the judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic;
preterm termination of powers of local representative bodies;
delegating two deputies to the Supreme Court Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
consideration of legal action instituted by the Majilis to the effect of suspension of office of the President of the Republic and submitting the results thereof to the consideration of the joint session of both Chambers.
Tokayev Kasym-Zhomrat – Chairman of the Senate
The Majilis elections are effected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.
Exclusive Authorities
Referring to the exclusive competence of the Majilis are the following issues:
adoption for consideration and consideration proper of draft laws;
elaboration of proposals ensuing from the President's objections to laws adopted by the Parliament;
discussion of the national budget and reports on the execution of the budget, adoption of amendments and addenda to the budget, establishment of national taxes and duties;
ratification and denouncement of international treaties;
giving the national Government a vote of no confidence;
bringing an accusation against the President of the Republic to the effect of his committing high treason;
election and release of office - according to the presentation of the President-of, the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Secretary and the members of the Central Electoral Commission;
announcement of regular election of the President of the Republic and appointment of the extraordinary election thereof;
delegating two deputies to the Justice Qualification Board.

On July 4, 2007, ahead of the early elections to Majilis of the 4th convocation, Nursultan Nazarbayev headed the Nur Otan party. The presidential party carried out the election, which that took place on August 18, 2007, with 88,05% of votes. All the other parties failed to pass the 7-percent threshold. The one-party Majilis was formed in Kazakhstan.
Ural Muhamedzhanov – Chairman of the Majilis
Official Site
National Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.parlam.kz