Belarus-Russia Union State

Participants: Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation
April 2, 1996– The Presidents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus signed the treaty under which the Commonwealth of Belarus and Russia was formed. The treaty entered into force on the 29th of April after the sides had exchanged instruments of ratification. April, 2 is proclaimed to be national holyday - The Day of the Unification of Russian and Belarusian Nations, and is celebrated in both countries.
April 29, 1996– The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Supreme State Council of the Republic of Belarus signed the treaty according to which the Parliamentary Assembly of Belarus-Russian Commonwealth was established.
April 2, 1997– The Heads of Russia and Belarus signed the Union Treaty between Belarus and Russia later ratified by the Parliaments of both countries on July 10, 1997; moreover the Charter of the Commonwealth was adopted.
December 8, 1999– The Heads of Russia and Belarus signed the Union State Treaty. Under its terms the Union State, which became a legal successor of the Commonwealth of Belarus and Russia, was formed.
In January, 2006 the meeting of the Supreme State Council pushed back the questions of introduction of common currency and the Union State Constitutional Act again. As experts in integration processes note, the discussion on problems of sovereignty status in internal and external policy issues, economy and social sphere of the member states within the Union State still continues.
After the so-called gas conflict, relations between Russia and Belarus became colder, because of Russian gas price increase in January 2007.
In May, 2007 President of Belarus Aliaksandr Lukashenka blamed Russia for denouncing the Union State Treaty. In his opinion, the reason was the policy of Russia, which sabotaged the establishment of the Union. Officials in Minsk reacted badly on Russia’s more practical course based on principles of the market economy in relations with Belarus. Nevertheless, it didn’t result in any regulatory acts, and sides kept on declaring eagerness to establish a common Union State.
Major Objectives
Support of peaceful and democratic development of the brother nations, strengthening of friendship and welfare gain and rise of living standards
Establishment of the common economic area in order to promote social and economic development on the basis of the unified financial and intellectual potential of the member states and application of the market economy principles
Steady observance of the main human rights and freedoms according to the generally recognized standards of international law
Carrying out a coordinated social policy
Enforcing security and combating organized crime
The Union State is founded on the principles of equality and independence of the member states, voluntariness, and conscientious performance of mutual obligations. The Union State is based on the distinction of responsibility and powers between the member countries. The Union State is a secular, democratic, social, law-based state, in which political and ideological diversity is recognized.
Each member state keeps its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, state structure, Constitution, national anthems, and other attributes of nationhood, membership in UN and other international organizations. All forms of property are recognized and secured in the Union State, rights of free purchase, keeping and usage of property, as well as equal rights and guarantees of market participants of any business legal structure are maintained.
The official languages of the Union State are the same as those of the member countries. Functional language of the Union is Russian. The Union State welcomes all new members that share major principles and aims of the Belarusian and Russian Union. The member state can stop the membership at any time according to the results of a referendum.
Sphere of activities
The Union State functions in the following areas:
Establishment of the common economic area and legal foundation of the common market, that provides movement of goods, capital and labour within member states, and integration into the world economy, equal rights and guarantees for market participants of any business legal structure
Common monetary, foreign exchange, taxation and pricing policy, including rates regulation
Common fair trade rules and protection of consumers
Joint transport and energy systems
Common trade and customs policy regarding third countries, international organizations and unions
Common defense policy, planning of the defense order, armament and enginery supply
Proper functioning of the regional joint task force
Border policy of the Union State
International activity and international instruments of the Union State
Budget planning and execution
Establishment of the managing bodies of the Union State
The member states of the Union State share functions in the following spheres:
Harmonization and unification of the member states’ legislation
Managing of the investment policy in order to provide efficient differentiation of labor
Joint policy in the spheres of ecological safety, rectification of the Chernobyl accident consequences, prevention of technological and natural disasters
Protection of the environment
Development of science, education and culture, establishment of equal opportunities in ethnic, cultural and lingual identity maintenance and development
Joint social policy including employment, migration, labor conditions, public relief and insurance
Establishment of the common scientific, technological and information space
Combating terrorism, corruption, illegal drug trafficking and other crimes
Foreign policy coordination
Forecasting social and economic development, market demand and supply as well as energy sources balance of the Union State
Managing Bodies
The Supreme State Council
Principal body of the Union is the Supreme State Council, which consists of the Heads of the States and the Heads of the Parliaments of the member countries. It is headed by the chairman of the Supreme State Council. This position is occupied in turns by the Presidents of the member states.
The Council of Ministers
The Council of Ministersisthe collegial executive body, which manages the system of sectarian and functional bodies of the Union State, according to the treaty of its establishment.
It consists of the State Secretary of the Union State, the Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Economy and Finance of the member states, as well as Directors of key Union State bodies. The Prime Ministers of Belarus and Russia are appointed as Chairman of the Council of Ministers by the Supreme State Council in rotation. Meetings of the Council of Ministers are held every 3 months in Moscow and Minsk in rotation. Heads of the Central Banks, Ministries and Departments of the member states can take part in the meetings.
The Permanent Committee
The members of the Permanent Committee are the Secretary of the Union State and his deputies, who are responsible for the specific scope of activities.
The Head of the Permanent Committee is the Secretary of the Union State, appointed to this position for a 4-year term by the Supreme State Council upon the recommendation of the Chairman. The State Secretary is a member of the Council of the Ministers and holds a position of the Chairman Deputy. Members of the Permanent Committee are appointed for a 4-year term from the pool of candidates promoted by the governments of the member states.
The structure of the body consists of the Office in Minsk and organizational units responsible for the following spheres: organizational, analytical, financial, economic, administrative, judicial, local and international relationship, social policy, information and general management.
The executive heads of the organizational units and their deputies are appointed by the State Secretary from the pool of candidates promoted by the governments of the member states according to the quota. The quota is based on the agreement between the countries.
The Union Parliament
On April 2, 1996 the Union Parliament was created under the treaty that formed the Commonwealth of Belarus and Russia. The treaty on the Union Parliament was signed on April 29, 1996.
The jurisdiction, structure and terms of work are determined by the rules of order of the Union Parliament which was passed on the June 12, 1997. Several changes and amendments were made lately.
The Union Parliament consists of the equal number (36 members) of representatives delegated by the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In addition 24 representatives of the Lower Houses of the Parliaments and 12 representatives of the Upper Houses are delegated to the Union Parliament.
Laws of the Union State, recommendations, declarations and addresses are passed as enactments according to the decisions of the Union Parliament. Laws are passed by the majority vote.
The Council of the Union Parliament, which consists of the Chairman, his first deputy and other deputies, Chairmen of the Committees of the Council, carries out organizational activities of the Union Parliament.
To carry out its powers the Union Parliament forms commissions, provisional commissions and working groups. The following scientific and management advisory committees: security and social policy.
By the initiative of the Council and commissions of the Union State the Parliament holds proceedings on the problems included in its jurisdiction.
The institution of permanent and adjunct observers functions under the rules of order of the Union Parliament. The Union Parliament holds the status of observer in the Interpaliamental Union, Parliamental Assembly of the BSEC Organization, Interparliamental Assembly of the CIS member states.
The Secretary of the Union Parliament carries out the activity of the Parliament.
The news-bulletin of the Union Parliament of Belarus and Russia and the official newspaper «Souznoe Veche» give coverage to the work of the Union Parliament.
Pavel Borodin - the Head of the Permanent Committee, the State Secretary of the Belarus-Russia Union State