President of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, Tbilisi
Presently it is really hard to predict what U.S. –Georgia relations will be like under the Barack Obama Administration.
On the one hand, before Bush left office, his Administration had signed the Charter on Strategic Partnership with Georgia. The Charter was signed on the initiative and under support of already the new Administration. This agreement means that the U.S. policy in the Caucasus won’t be overlooked by the new Administration.
On the other hand, the Charter is a framework agreement. It includes everything, but the particular content is not clear yet. Which way the Charter is to operate in practice, is also not fully clear yet. But any way, its signing means progress for Washington-Tbilisi relations.
As far as the attitude towards President Micheil Saakashvili is concerned, the U.S.A. is not interested in destabilization of the political situation Georgia.
In Georgia it is the time of political turbulence at the moment, everybody wants to be the first. Any kind of early elections will put Georgia to a disadvantage.
In the eyes of the U.S. Administration Saakashvili represents the guarantor of stability and further development. If Saakashvili slowly but steadily promotes democratization in the country, he has nothing to worry about.
January 26, 2009