Political scientist, Bishkek
The resignation of the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers is a natural event indicating severe tensions between the legislative and executive branches. The Kyrgyz Parliament was doing its utmost to draw the Cabinet into that conflict. The criticism of Felix Kulov Cabinet showed the distrust of the Executive.
That’s why the dissolution of the Cabinet is quite logical. But the resignation has taken place at the end of the year when the budget is not adopted for the next year, and it produces many painful political dilemmas.
There may be two ways out of the current situation. The first scenario implies early dissolution of the Parliament, and parliamentary elections 45 days after. And the newly elected Parliament will appoint the new Cabinet.
But if the Parliament refuses to be dissolved, the situation will develop otherwise. Now it is clear that many MPs are unwilling to step down. In that case rallies and protest actions should be expected.
The adoption of the new Constitution spelled this scenario. Firstly, it is inconceivable for the Constitution to be adopted in several minutes just as it was done in Kyrgyzstan. Secondly, the new Constitution abounds in legal vagueness.
One should say that regardless of the scenario the resigned Cabinet will continue its work since there is no new government and nobody knows when it will be formed.
Even if the Parliament is dissolved, Kulov Cabinet will remain in power for a long time.
No doubt, the Bakiyev-Kulov alliance will survive the Cabinet’s resignation. Felix Kulov will be the acting Prime Minister and keep the powers enlarged by the new Constitution.
December 21, 2006