About us "Eurasian Home" analytical and information resource is an open forum for dialogue and reflection, bringing together experts, politicians and journalists from the New Independent States, Russia, European Union, Asia and America. Our website is first of all a platform where representatives of different countries can freely discuss issues concerning global and regional integration in Eurasia. Among priority topics of the website are political and economic processes in Eurasia and America; integration concepts and strategies in the world; integration between the countries of the former Soviet Union; the search for models of effective economic integration; economic and political interaction between the countries of the CIS as well as with the rest of the world (EU, USA etc.). Objectives:
Guiding principles: Timeliness, relevance, accuracy of the information presented, professionalism of the conclusions drawn and suggestions made, as well as openness to opinions from all parts of the political spectrum. The moderator of "Eurasian Home" is The Eurasia Heritage Foundation. All the materials from "Eurasian Home" website should be reproduced with a link to eurasianhome.org/en You are welcome to subscribe for the biweekly Eurasian Home Bulletin. Please contact Tatyana Doudar. ContactsTatyana Doudar Nikolay Filin Tel. / fax: |