Ukrainian prosecutors have launched a criminal investigation against former Ukrainian premier and opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko over an alleged misuse of state funds, the UNIAN news agency said.
Tymoshenko has to appear in the Prosecutor General's office on Wednesday to receive an official notification of a criminal case against her.
"She [Tymoshenko] has been called to the Prosecutor General's office on Wednesday to receive an official notification of a criminal case which is aimed at discrediting her and limiting her travel around Ukraine and the world," UNIAN quoted Tymoshenko's spokesperson Marina Sorokina as saying.
"These political repressions are an intentional move on the part of the authorities to hamper the activities of the opposition," Sorokina said.
Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has accused Tymoshenko, who led the Cabinet from 2007 until 2010, of costing the state 100 billion hryvnas ($12.5 billion), and said that 2008-2009 budget documents should be examined by law enforcement agencies and independent auditors.
On May 5, the Ukrainian Cabinet decided to hire Washington-based Trout Cacheris, PLLC to conduct an audit of the state budget during Tymoshenko's term in office.
RIA Novosti