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Deputy Chairman of the Council of Federation Foreign Affairs Committee


The main component in the agenda of the upcoming Russia-EU Summit would be the discussion of the four Road Maps.

It is necessary to note that the UK, which holds the EU presidency, has set fairly poor propositions for the relations with Russia. It has restricted the sphere of interests to the frame of energy cooperation, rendering socioeconomic assistance to the Russian Federation North Caucasus territories (Chechnya, Ingushetia and Northern Ossetia), and the prospects of the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation which is valid through 2007.

In my opinion, Russia is politically well prepared for the Summit. Moscow has done a lot to prepare the Road Maps. The generalized plan of cooperation with Europe will be delivered by President Vladimir Putin.

As for the separate dimensions in cooperation, one can emphasize certain achievements in each of them. For instance, in the economic sphere outlined by the first Road Map there have been reached agreements on investments, state purchases, engineering standards, and innovative technologies. The agreement on transportation is about to be signed.

 When speaking of the first Road Map one should also mention track records in power economy, which would be summed up in the generalized report prepared for the Summit. The special attention in this paper would be given to analysis of the North European gas pipeline construction.

The second Road Map deals with the creation of the common space of freedom and justice. The focal point of cooperation in this sphere is connected with the implementation of Russian President’s proposal to facilitate the visa regime. But even though one should not put his or her hopes on the agreement’s signing in the nearest future. It’s worth mentioning that the agreement is already pretty well elaborated. It is to facilitate the receipt of visas for certain social groups: students, postgraduates, scientists, etc.

The third Road Map covers foreign policy and security issues. There are good prospects for cooperation in this sphere. For example, Russia and the EU have similar viewpoints on Iraq question.

However, there are some problems in this direction of cooperation. Russia is highly concerned about the increase of the drug trafficking from Afghanistan and the synthetic drugs production in the Baltic States.

Within the context of the discussion of this Road Map the issue of the international terrorism will be touched upon. The point is Russia and the EU should take over the control of the signing, ratification and observance of the 13 UN conventions on terrorism.

At last, the fourth Road Map is designated for the development of cultural, scientific and education cooperation. Russia and the EU are working on creation of the single European education system under the Bolon convention as well as on the formation of common scientific councils.

I think Russia and the EU must improve the cooperation atmosphere. Unfortunately, the EU internal discord is reflected negatively on the Russian-EU relations. The new EU member states have brought new contradictions in addition to the previous ones.

A kind of division took place in the EU, particularly when implementing the security policy. While some countries support strengthening of the NATO, the others back up the development of independent military agencies.

If we overcome these contradictions, the Russia-EU dialogue will become a multi-vector phenomenon in the European and world politics.

The text is based on Vasily Likhachyov’s speech at the “Russia – EU relations” press-conference “What is of more importance – values or interests?”

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