As to September 2004 there are 928 media in Uzbekistan. Most of the media economically depend on their founders. These later usually are state offices or commercial companies affiliated with state offices. This determines the editorial policy of the media essentially.
No polls are held in Uzbekistan to determine media ratings, so no preferences and interests of the readers can be determined.
“Khalk Suzi” - hc.uzpak.uz
Social, political and business daily (In Uzbek and Russian)
“Pravda Vostoka”–www.pv.uz
Social, political and business daily (In Russian)
National Information Agency of Uzbekistan (In Uzbek, English and Russian)
“Uzbekiston Ovozi”– E-mail:
Social, political and business daily (In Uzbek and Russian)
“Novosti Uzbekistana”–www.novostiuzbekistana.st.uz
Weekly newspaper
“Economy Review”–www.review.uz
Monthly review for political, economic and business analysis of Central Asia and transition economies