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The 10-year Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between the Russian Federation and the European Union, which served to deepen and broaden relations between the parties, expired on November 30, 2007. Since neither party had notified each other in writing about its withdrawal from the agreement at least six months before it expired – i.e., before June 1, 2007, as is required by Article 106 of the PCA – it was automatically renewed for one year, as was demonstrated by the latest EU-Russia summit in Mafra, Portugal in October 2007.

Formal negotiations on a new agreement have not yet begun due to the Polish position, which may soon be revised and made more constructive. But sooner or later a new document must replace the PCA.

Section 9.2. of the Medium-Term Strategy for Developing Relations of the Russian Federation with the European Union for 2000-2010, which was presented by the Russian government at a Russia-EU summit in Helsinki in October 1999, said that Russia would pursue a line toward a new agreement with the EU. This implied a mutual obligation to jointly work out and conclude a “new framework agreement on strategic partnership and cooperation in the 21st century,” which would replace the PCA. Of course, politics is the art of the possible, therefore it is important to find out how realistic this goal is in the light of present Russia-EU relations, putting special emphasis on the economic aspect of this issue. And which is more realistic – a Strategic Partnership Treaty or Partnership and Cooperation Agreement-2?


Relations between Russia and the European Union are going through difficult times, if not to say a crisis, which obviously started with the last but one enlargement of the EU on May 1, 2004. On that day, the EU was joined by several countries that traditionally showed no liking for Russia and sometimes even no formal courtesy. At that time, the EU – in contrast to its friendly rhetoric – began to freeze its rapprochement with Russia and adopted a de facto policy of “peaceful coexistence” and rigid, if not hostile, competition in the economic sphere. In particular, it started petty bargaining over terms for Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization; tried to impose on Russia an agreement on Kaliningrad, which was humiliating for Russia; and thwarted a Russia-proposed plan for settling the situation in Transdniestr region, which had been approved by all the conflicting parties. Finally, it launched undisguised anti-Russian activity during the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and tried to pressure Russia into ratifying the Energy Charter, which Moscow found unacceptable and which it had no other choice but to sign in 1994 when it was on its knees both economically and politically before the West. There are many more grounds for such an assessment of the EU’s policy toward Russia, given by Sergei Karaganov in the fall of 2005.

These developments have been taking place amid a deep structural and adaptation crisis in the EU, which is assuming increasingly grotesque forms – against the background of its integration successes of 1986-2002. This could be seen in a serious dissonance between the processes of enlargement after May 1, 2004 and the aggravation of problems involved in the EU reform caused by the rejection of the EU Constitution. The crisis has markedly lowered the quality of European integration and its homogeneity as an integrational association, and narrowed the possibilities for conducting a truly “communitarian” policy toward third countries, including Russia.

It is now much more difficult for Russia to deal with the EU as a “solidarity community,” as the other party always requires. Unlike the Soviet Union, post-Soviet Russia has always met this requirement and never sought to incite discord within the EU. The EU Treaty of Lisbon – also known as the Reform Treaty signed in October 2007 – will undoubtedly help to strengthen the “communitarian” solidarity and European consolidation and to overcome the aforementioned crisis. But this may require at least two to three years – the treaty is scheduled to be ratified by all EU member states by the end of 2008.

For the chill in Russian-EU relations to give way to warming, the two parties must, first of all, set clear-cut strategic benchmarks for their partnership and give profound and adequate assessments to their mutual expectations, considering their positions in the world and their domestic political situations. This is vital also for the solution to the issue of the nature and quality of a New Framework Agreement that will sooner or later replace the PCA.

First of all, Brussels must realize that over the years of Putin’s presidency Russia has given up the unsavory role of a beggar at the doors of the EU and the West in general, as it used to be in the past decade, and has ceased to be a secondary co-participant in relations, when it was addressed as “partner” only out of kindness. In this new situation, Russia does not and will not recognize the validity of the EU’s claims to the role of senior partner, the more so mentor. In addition, several strong reasons make the EU the least suitable for this role compared with the beginning of the post-Soviet period of Russia’s development.

Russian and even Western experts agree that in the next 10 to 15 years Russia will develop at a higher rate than the world average. The EU’s growth rates will be much more modest – even if they are maintained at the level of the EU’s relatively successful years of 2006 and 2007. According to our forecast, Russia’s share in global GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP) will increase from 2.5 percent in 2006 to 3.7-3.8 percent by 2017. This will enable it to consolidate its positions in the system of international economic relations and exert more active influence on them and on the processes of globalization in general.

In the foreseeable future, amid relatively high stability in global demand for Russian energy resources – due to an expected growth in global energy consumption from 16 billion tons of fuel equivalent in 2005 to 22 billion tons of fuel equivalent in 2020, mostly owing not to the EU, but the United States, China, India and some other countries – Russia’s relative interest in the EU as a market for its fuel and energy resources may decrease slightly, although it will remain high. This could happen especially if the EU continues to put a great deal of emphasis on the need to reduce its energy dependence on Russia and if it impedes direct investment in its fuel and energy sector by Russian companies, such as Gazprom and others.

It should be emphasized that Russia is ready to guarantee meeting the EU’s energy needs in amounts commensurate with its own resource base. Russia’s economic stability and security depend on the prospects for its energy exports to the EU as much as the EU’s economic stability and security depend on energy imports. The EU accounts for 90 percent of Russian energy exports – not factoring in the CIS. Therefore, any major limitation by Russia of its energy exports to the EU for considerations of political pressure would inevitably be an act of “economic self-mutilation” for itself. So this is a merely hypothetical issue.

Of course, Russia is interested in preserving the European Union as its number one trade and economic partner, as it has been throughout the post-Soviet period and will continue to be at least until 2015-2020. This policy would only help maintain the solid base, developed for years, which stimulates further development of Russia’s foreign-economic ties. Relying on this base, Russia could move forward in the field of foreign-economic activity, including in other markets and sectors. At the same time, the EU currently accounts for about 50 percent of Russia’s foreign-trade turnover and this will gradually decrease within the next 10 to 15 years – possibly to 40 percent. The reason is that in other parts of the world – above all in the Asia-Pacific region – there are more favorable conditions for Russia to build up its foreign trade, and not only in energy resources. It is the Asia-Pacific region (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) – not the European Union – that has the greatest potential for Russia to increase the export of finished products, especially machinery and hi-tech equipment, for which Russia has long been striving.

The above and other circumstances will make the European Union’s role in the world increasingly less significant – particularly in the absence of an effective strategic partnership with Russia. The same refers to Russia. The question is how to organize Russia-EU strategic partnership.

From the point of view of the vital and long-term interests of both partners, it would be more preferable for them to conclude a Strategic Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (SPCA) than a modified and improved PCA in the form of PCA-2. However, in the last three to five years Brussels has been less inclined to look for mutually acceptable compromise solutions. It interprets various aspects of Russia’s political and social-economic systems in its own way and will not accept the serious growth of Russia’s role in the world. Moreover, it has turned into a much less predictable partner as it is going through a critical phase in the reconstruction of its own government system.

In a situation like this, sometimes exacerbated by tactical failures of the Russian state and businesses, both parties find it difficult to jointly map out and take measures that would fill their cooperation with really strategic content. This explains the obviously amorphous nature of the road maps adopted at the Russia-EU summit in May 2005, which in fact are mere declarations of intent, marking certain stages on the way to four common spaces for Russia and the EU, which were not even clearly defined. Therefore, a new basic agreement – be it SPCA or PCA-2, as well as sectoral agreements specifying it, will essentially enrich the road maps’ content. But one way or another, the parties have not yet formulated their positions on a new agreement, so they may have taken the Polish veto as an unexpected opportunity to take a timeout for reflection.

In the context of working out economic provisions for a new basic agreement, it would be interesting to see what could be borrowed from such agreements between the EU and third countries.


Of major importance for Russia are the European Union’s agreements with post-communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe on their association with the EU – to date, these countries have already joined the EU or are negotiating accession. Such documents are known as European Association Agreements (AAs). One should also name the EU’s agreements for economic, scientific and technological cooperation and partnership with India and Brazil, which international experts classify, along with Russia, among countries with fast-developing markets. The positions of India and Brazil in the global economy, as well as in science and technology, are largely comparable to Russia’s. However, the agreements with these nations have far less international-legal content than AAs, have a pronounced framework nature, almost do not contain directly applicable provisions and therefore are of less interest – in the context of this article – than AAs, although they are worthy of notice as well.

AAs basically differ from the PCA because they provide for the association of Central and Eastern European countries with the EU as an interim stage on the way toward future EU membership. However, Russia’s full accession to the EU does not seem to be possible or expedient from the point of view of the interests of both parties, for whom this issue is, perhaps, equally unimportant now. The EU is based on a balance of interests of mid-sized and small countries, whereas Russia’s accession to the EU would upset this balance. Obviously, the European Union would be unable to “cope” with the Russian economy, as it would have to extend to it all procedures immanent in it. Indeed, even in a nightmare one cannot imagine all regions of Russia, except for Moscow, Kazan and Khanty-Mansiisk, laying claims to subsidies from the Brussels budget.

For Russia, full membership in the EU would be problematic as well. Russia would be constrained in its relations with third countries by the rules of EU foreign trade policy and would be unable to conduct an autonomous policy. This would greatly complicate, for instance, Russia’s relations with countries grouped in the APEC, where not a single EU member state belongs and cannot belong by definition. Therefore, the issue of Russia’s association with the European Union is not relevant either.

Of greatest interest – as a source of ideas and possible wordings for a new basic agreement between the EU and Russia – are trade provisions of AAs, particularly those aspects that relate to the formation of a free trade area (FTA). Although the creation of a Russian-EU FTA is not on the agenda now – the situation with Russia’s accession to the WTO must be cleared up first – this issue may acquire importance in the foreseeable future. As the author earlier analyzed the problems involved in the establishment of a Russian-EU free trade area in this journal, let me refer the readers to that article (see Russia in Global Affairs 2/2007; pp. 113-123) and offer some additions confirming the conclusions made in it.

First of all, it is also essential that in AAs procedures for establishing a free trade area were linked to the rules and regulations of the GATT/WTO, so any movement in that direction without membership in this organization was actually ruled out. Even if countries had well-developed trade relations, the establishment of a free trade area was preceded by a very long transition period. For Slovenia, for example, with which an agreement was signed in 1996 and entered into force in 1999, a six-year period was established for achieving that goal, even though by that time the country had already been closely integrated into the EU economic space. Another important aspect of AAs was the establishment of an initial level for custom duty rates, from which the parties were to reduce these rates. If the duties were cut in accordance with GATT/WTO requirements after the agreement entered into force, it was the latest WTO tariffs that were used as a starting point for their subsequent liberalization.

Investment provisions of PCA-1 and AAs are approximately at the same qualitative level based on the fundamental documents of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and differ only in details and nuances. It would be useful to include in the investment section of a new basic agreement, which would refer to the application of national treatment and most favored nation treatment to mutual investments, clear-cut provisions that will not allow loose interpretations – such as those in the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the European Union and Croatia. For example, Article 49, Sections 1 and 2 bind both parties, upon entry into force of this Agreement, to grant companies of the other party “treatment no less favorable than that accorded to its own companies.”

In other words, in the sphere of mutually migrating capital in the form of direct investment, both parties, upon entry into force of AAs, shall provide national treatment or most favored nation treatment for companies of the other party without any reservations. It must be added that Article 60, Section 1, provides that “from the entry into force of the Agreement, the Parties shall ensure the free movement of capital relating to direct investments.” This wording (Articles 49 and 60 of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the EU and Croatia), adapted within the frameworks of a new basic agreement, could be of more use for Russia and the EU as regards investment and open broader prospects for them than PCA-1.

At the same time, the implantation of the above provisions of the AA between the EU and Croatia into a new basic agreement between the EU and Russia would not be enough – especially if the EU and Russia really plan to set themselves the strategic goal of creating a free investment area patterned, for example, after a European Economic Area established under the EU’s agreement with the European Free Trade Association or the North American Free Trade Agreement, which entered into force in 1994. To agree on the formation of such an area, both parties must first find a mutually acceptable approach to the limitation of foreign direct investment in some strategic sectors of their economies. Relevant bills are now being prepared both in the Russian State Duma and the EU Commission and Parliament. There are grounds to believe that a European document of this kind will largely resemble a similar law recently put into effect in the United States, which has created many problems for Russian businesses – above all, for companies with state participation. Therefore it cannot be ruled out that this issue will become a stumbling block for efforts to draft the investment section of a new basic agreement at a qualitatively new level required for stimulating truly strategic cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of mutual investment.

In the area of labor migration, one should also take into account relevant provisions of AAs, as well as the PCA-1 experience. It is important that PCA-2 ensure free movement for professionals who repeatedly enter the country (not on private business, but within the framework of staff turnover at international corporations that have offices in Russia), as well as the migration of professionals with exceptional abilities. At the same time, a new basic agreement could ensure the solution of such issues as the transfer by relevant bodies of EU host countries of pension contributions from Russian citizens working there – at least from those who have been sending contributions for compulsory pension insurance for several years not exceeding the period of time required for receiving the minimum pension at least – in EU countries, this period does not exceed 15 years, as a rule.

On the whole, a new agreement, especially if it is concluded as a Strategic Partnership Treaty, must have a social dimension, which is completely absent in PCA-1 and other instruments still regulating EU-Russia relations.

A comparative analysis of PCA-1 and the EU’s agreements with third countries as regards the protection and implementation of intellectual property rights shows that they are oriented toward the same basic international legal documents on this issue and are of about the same quality. Differences between them arise mainly at the details stage, which should be taken into account when drafting a new basic agreement. Thus, the Russian draft of a new basic agreement should give priority to the further adaptation of Russian norms and standards in the field of intellectual property to corresponding attributes of the European Union. There is no doubt that this approach will meet with full understanding from the other contracting party. And it can hardly be otherwise as this will be a transition to a more advanced phenomenon. At the same time, this process should not be allowed to be made into a “one-way street.” The positive experience gained by Russia, as well as by third countries, should also be taken into account here.

It must be emphasized that special norms relating to intellectual property rights (Article 54 of PCA-1) are declarative and do not have any special legal weight. At the same time, Appendix 10 to this Article contains several very important provisions with Russia’s international legal obligations in the field of intellectual property rights. In it Russia pledged by the end of the fifth year after the entry into force of PCA-1 (2002) to “provide … for a level of protection similar to that existing in the Community, including effective means of enforcing such rights.” The obligations placed by this provision on Russia are alleviated by the reservation that it should seek to guarantee only a “similar” level of protection, which is a softer requirement compared with the EU level of protection.

The detailed elaboration of issues pertaining to scientific and technological cooperation in the EU’s agreements with third countries and in PCA-1 suggests that this issue should be given due attention in PCA-2, as well. On the other hand, the very nature of this elaboration does not give grounds for active borrowing, the more so for “plagiarism.” In the EU’s agreements with Brazil and India on scientific and technological cooperation, which are of a pronouncedly framework nature and are not really binding, the author has not found any ideas that could enrich the respective section of the future PCA-2 between Russia and the EU – except, perhaps, for some wording.

AAs are also largely of a framework nature – but to a much lesser degree than the general agreements with Brazil and India – especially as regards provisions on scientific and technological cooperation. They outline the goals and forms of this cooperation, but do not set forth in detail the parties’ obligations concerning the development of specific mechanisms of cooperation, especially as regards its financing. In this sense, AA provisions on scientific and technological cooperation do not go any further than those of PCA-1.

In drafting a new basic agreement, it would be useful to provide for a set of specific measures that would fill with content the fourth of the aforementioned Road Maps, which concerns research, education and cultural exchanges. This would ensure close and systematic cooperation in fundamental and applied sciences through joint years-long framework programs and co-financing; the harmonization of legislation guaranteeing, in particular, intellectual property rights; and the formation of a pan-European educational area based on the Bologna process, including the convergence of educational systems, broad exchanges of teachers, students and post-graduate students, and mutual recognition of diplomas from higher institutions.

It would also be advisable that the economic, scientific and technological provisions of a new basic agreement should have broader legal frameworks for Russia-EU cooperation in research and production at the level of business and under government auspices. These advanced synthetic forms of international economic relations, which go beyond the framework of traditional trade and which play a key role in economic ties between companies in developed countries, are not yet developed on a priority basis in Russia-EU relations, and there are just a few cases of cooperation in research and production.

* * *

It can be expected that by the next Russia-EU summit in June 2008 there will be no formal obstacles left – such as the hackneyed Polish veto – to Russia-EU negotiations on a new basic agreement, which could be started in the second half of the year. The very decision on such negotiations would make this summit more fruitful than the last summit in October 2007 and would bring its participants certain political dividends.

There are so far no grounds to expect that these negotiations will result in the conclusion of an ambitious and large-scale Strategic Partnership Treaty within a reasonable and agreed timeframe. Instead, the answer to the question formulated at the beginning of this article will be PCA-2 – with more definite strategic goals than PCA-1. Thus, the economic section of a future agreement could include a provision on a free trade area as a promising goal, specifying that negotiations on this issue will complete international legal procedures for Russia’s accession to the WTO. As regards a specific date for the establishment of a free trade area, perhaps the parties should follow the example of APEC, which back in the last decade set a relatively soft timeframe for that until 2020.

It should be kept in mind that once the transition period preceding accession to the WTO is completed, Russia will take every measure to establish a free trade area without concluding a special agreement on such an area with the EU. This will help to substantially liberalize the “European half” of Russia’s foreign trade. In particular, the expected decrease of the average weighted import rate of the customs tariff for industrial finished products by three percentage points will have a particularly strong effect in this respect. This may prompt the EU to reciprocate with symmetric measures to meet Russia’s interests.

Russia should think over in advance in what areas this will be more desirable for it. In addition to the repeatedly raised issues of the visa regime and direct investment access by Russian companies to the EU fuel and energy sector, these areas could include mutually advantageous harmonization of actions toward third countries, for example CIS members, that would meet the latter’s interests as well. In any case, one can hardly dispute the fact that Section 1.8. of the above-cited Medium-Term Strategy for Developing Relations of the Russian Federation with the European Union for 2000-2010 still remains on paper. This section says that “the development of a partnership with the European Union will contribute to strengthening Russia as a leading force promoting the formation of a new system of interstate political and economic relations in the CIS.” However, the EU is still acting in the opposite direction, and not always in its own interests.

Leading Russian and “communitarian” experts differ on the issues pertaining to a new basic agreement between Russia and the EU. All the issues discussed in this article have been considered by experts from different points of view. This difference in opinion was particularly manifest at two representative international conferences organized in February and December 2007 by the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Europe jointly with Germany’s Bertelsmann Foundation respectively. The discussions revealed polar views on the nature of a new basic agreement – ranging from proposals to adopt and ratify a directly applicable strategic document according to the 1+1+27 formula, to proposals on concluding a political declaration of intent, with many intermediate options. These differences, which reflect the real state of affairs in Russia-EU relations, may manifest themselves at future negotiations on a new basic agreement and thus cause them to drag on. However, one should not dramatize the possibility of delay.

The present situation does not require speeding up these negotiations at any cost to the detriment of their quality and future results. The procedure of extending PCA-1 for one year is not limited in time, while about half of the agreement’s 112 articles have not been implemented yet. So the beginning of negotiations on a new basic agreement will not put the partners out of work, even if they confine themselves to the implementation of the other half of PCA-1.

As regards the Russian draft of a new basic document, it should be worked out in detail by a high-level working group specially set up to include leading experts. There is no need to say that it should not be necessary to set the task of taking “momentous” moves in a situation where there is a tight timeframe.

Vladimir PANKOV, Doctor of Science (Economics), is a professor and head of the Department of International Economic Relations at the Higher School of Economics. He is also head of the Center for World Economic Ties at the Russian Research Institute for Foreign Economic Ties.

“Russia in Global Affairs”, № 2, April – June 2008

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