President of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, Tbilisi
October 5 municipal elections in Georgia have two main results.
First of all, the elections were honest and transparent, which shows that the country is moving towards democracy. Though present, frauds were technical and sporadic.
Secondly, the elections provided a conclusive proof that the incumbent authorities have no competitors. In comparison with the former authorities they look more active, and the Georgian society likes it, so the majority supports Mikheil Saakashvili’s regime.
No wonder the opposition’s results were poor enough. There are no strong political parties in Georgia. This is characteristic for the entire post-Soviet space. The political parties are only being formed here.
It is significant that a month before the elections many parties had changed their names and leaders. It emphasizes once again that our political parties are rudimentary. Voters are interested in the leaders of the parties rather than what the parties propose.
Another consideration is that the Georgian opposition is uncoordinated. Apart from that, the government carried on the efficient campaign while the opposition made an emphasis on the criticism and negative information, which the voters did not like.
On the other hand, the municipal elections can be called a crucible for the young politicians who can head the political parties in the nearest future.
Moreover, Russia’s negative reaction to the events in Georgia, which aggravated during the elections, is not clear. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is popular in this country. Of course, he sometimes goes too far and takes severe steps. But on the whole he is active, which attracts the voters.
The Russian officials often say that the Georgian people advocate closer relations with Russia, while the Georgian authorities come against it. This approach is totally misleading.
Neither the people nor the authorities in Georgia have an anti-Russia position. The authorities have to protect national interests. It goes without saying that people dislike some aspects of the political life in Georgia. A part of the population comes out for the change of the regime. But they are in the minority.
The Georgian authorities are popular also because they offer the society unambiguous program, one of the items in which is joining NATO and EU.
Russia is reacting to that negatively, although this program contains no anti-Russian tone. The fact that Georgia is keen to join NATO is logical. Since the early nineties, during the military conflicts in the Caucasus, Russia has not backed Georgia and has tried to bring pressure on it. This policy is being pursued now.
Under the circumstances it comes natural that the new government considers Georgia’s joining EU to be the only way of preserving country’s integrity.
Georgians come to think that Russia does not want Tbilisi to join NATO. Therefore, we do not see adequate attitude to Georgia from the part of Russia. People do not feel that Georgia is treated as a sovereign state. This makes Georgia beware of Russia and causes Georgia’s desire to become completely independent from it.
But as a matter of fact, Russia could become the closest and most reliable partner of Georgia in the post-Soviet space if it offered a positive scenario of our further relations.
October 10, 2006