Mass Media
Over a thousand of periodic media are registered in Armenia. But only 15 printed press editions are fully functioning in the press market. The average circulation of the periodic media is 4 – 5 thousand. The majority of editions is issued in Armenian, but many newspapers offer both English and Russian versions on their websites.
The printed press in Armenia hasn’t so far become any profitable business. Because of that, they are forced to maintain their existence through explicit or implicit sponsorship. According to experts, the benefit threshold for Armenian media with 90% sales level starts from 9 to 11 thousand issues. This situation has forced the media to stick to either pro-government, opposition, or business-related organizations.
Daily socio-political edition. Expresses criticisms both towards the government and the opposition. One of the most respected media sources.
Voice of Armenia - www.golos.am,
One of the few editions in Russian. Issues weekly addition Monitor.ru, where materials from the Russian press are presented.
Issued in Russian. Has a clear pro-government stance. Also issues weekly edition of the RIA Novosti Russian Information Agency.
Official medium of the Amenia’s Supreme body of Dshnaktsutyun. The paper covers issues concerning politics, economy education, culture, and sport. It is issued in Armenian. The Internet version of the paper has translated articles to Russian and to English.
Armenian-language edition, having clear pro-government stance, is known for particularly severe criticisms expressed towards the opposition.
Aykakan Zhamanak - www.hzh.am,
Armenian-language paper of the opposition.
Paper issued in Armenian. At the same time the website offers material translated to Russian, English, and Turk languages. The edition is sponsored by the Chair person of the Union of Amenians in Russia Ara Abramian. Since 2005 an addition to “Azg” is issued weekly in Russian.
Chorrord Ishkhanutyun - www.chi.am,
Armenian-language medium of the opposition.
Independent edition issued in Armenian. It covers topics in politics, social life, economy, as well has journalist investigations. The website has Russian and English version of the edition.
The medium of the Union of Constitutional Rights.
Aystani Anrapetutuyn -
The sponsor of the medium is the Armenian National Assembly; the co-sponsor is the staff of the newspaper. Issued in Armenian.
Armenian language edition of the A1+, which has been deprived of the airing space in 2002. Being strongly oppositional, the edition severely criticizes the government on all spectrum of issues.
The newspaper is issued in Russian. It includes economic news, business, finance, banks, investments, real estate market. One of the few Armenian mass media with economic content.