Judicial Power
In the Republic of Armenia justice shall be administered solely by the courts in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.
The Constitutional Court shall, in conformity with the procedure defined by law:
determine the compliance of the laws, resolutions of the National Assembly, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic, decisions of the Prime Minister and agencies of local self-government with the Constitution;
prior to the ratification of international treaties determine the compliance of the commitments stipulated therein with the Constitution;
resolve all disputes arising from the outcomes of referenda;
resolve all disputes arising from decisions adopted with regard to the elections of the President of the Republic and Deputies;
declare insurmountable or eliminated obstacles for a candidate for the President of the Republic;
provide a conclusion on the existence of grounds for impeaching the President of Republic;
provide a conclusion on the incapacity by the President to discharge his/her responsibilities;
provide a conclusion on terminating the power of a member of the Constitutional Court, detaining him/her, agreeing to involve him/her as an accused or instituting a court proceeding to subject him/her to administrative liability;
provide a conclusion on the grounds to discharge the head of community;
in cases prescribed by the law adopt a decision on suspending or prohibiting the activities of a political party.
Counsel of Justice
The Constitution and the law shall define the procedure for the formation and activities of the Council of Justice.
In conformity with the procedure stipulated in the law the Council of Justice shall:
form and present to the approval of the President of the Republic the list of candidates of judges and the lists of their professional advancement, which shall be used as a basis for appointments;
give a conclusion on the submitted candidacies of judges;
nominate the candidates for the chairman of the court of cassation, chairmen and members of its chambers and candidates for the chairmanship of the appeal courts, first instance courts and specialized courts;
shall express opinion on issues of pardon on the request of the President of the Republic;
shall subject the judges to disciplinary responsibility, shall submit recommendation to the President of the Republic on terminating the powers of a judge, detaining him/her, on agreeing to involve him/her as an accused or instituting a court proceeding to subject him/her to administrative liability.
The courts operating in the Republic of Armenia are the first instance court of general jurisdiction, the courts of appeal, the Court of Cassation, as well as specialized courts in cases prescribed by the law.