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As I write, angry demonstrations continue in Tehran and elsewhere in the Islamic Republic of Iran, over what the young demonstrators perceive as the blatant rigging of the presidential election to keep Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in power for another five years. Reports suggest at least eight protestors have been killed by police.

“The time for dancing and shouting is over”, one riot policeman told a western journalist, as the police crack down on what was an extraordinarily vibrant, boisterous and participatory election campaign.

It is a frosty ending for what had been a genuinely exciting and optimistic spring in Middle Eastern politics.

Consider: in early June, Lebanon successfully held its second ever free democratic elections. More important than the fact that Hezbollah’s coalition failed to win a parliamentary majority is the fact that Hezbollah accepted the result. A Middle Eastern government was democratically elected, without bloodshed.

This follows the provincial elections in Iraq in January, where millions of Iraqis risked their lives to assert the right to choose their government. Monthly civilian casualties in Iraq are now the lowest they have been since the start of the war.

In June, US president Barack Obama did wonders for US-Middle Eastern relations, by giving an intelligent and non-patronising speech at Cairo University, by not dividing the world into simplistic Manichean divisions of Good and Evil and, in short, by not being George W. Bush.

Obama’s insistence on the withdrawal of Israeli settlers from Palestinian territories, and on the creation of a viable state for Palestinians, seems to be bearing fruit. In mid-June, Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu publicly supported the creation of a Palestinian state, something he’d never done before.

In May, the UAE arrested a businessman for the torture of a former partner. What was unusual was that the businessman is a member of the UAE royal family, and it is the first time any royal has been arrested in the Gulf.

And a little further back, in February, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah appointed the country’s first ever female minister, as part of a broad government reshuffle that weakened ultra-conservatives and promoted several reformist-minded politicians.

These are all tiny, incremental steps. But still, they are in the right direction, towards the dream of a stable, prosperous, democratic Middle East.

And then the Iranian Revolutionary Guard weighs in with its batons, while the Ayatollah Khameni, Iran’s Supreme Leader, declares insouciantly: “There was truly a divine hand behind this election.”

Khameni has since backed down from that remark, and from his initial, perhaps outspoken, support for the election result. The Guardian Council, a powerful clerical group in Iran, has also suggested a re-count of the election.

The u-turn of the clerical establishment suggests it understands the risk to its own power, if the Islamic Republic is perceived by its own citizens to have lost its moral and political legitimacy.

When the Republic came to power, during the 1979 revolution, it had enormous domestic legitimacy because it appeared to introduce a more democratic, just and Islamic form of government, after the elitism, autocracy and corruption of the Shah’s regime.

The successful alliance of democracy with Islamism sent shockwaves through the whole Middle East, providing a powerful role-model for other democratic, revolutionary, Islamist forces in Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Morocco and elsewhere.

Now, as in Animal Farm, the new revolutionaries have turned out to be just as bad as the old despots. The divine hand of Iran’s theocracy has been caught in the ballot box, stuffing votes. This threatens not just the legitimacy of the Iranian government, but the legitimacy of the wider Islamist movement.

The Middle East’s ayatollahs, imams and mullahs have risen to political prominence, and in some cases power, because they provided an outlet for democratic yearnings denied by many of the region’s autocratic regimes. If they are now seen to stand in the way of those yearnings, they may find that they too are swept away in time, like so many divine regimes before them.

Jules Evans, a columnist of Eurasian Home website, London

June 17, 2009

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  Ivan  Gayvanovych, Kiev


27 April 2010

Geopolitical influence is an expensive thing. The Soviet Union realized that well supporting the Communist regimes and movements all over the world including Cuba and North Korea. The current Russian authorities also understood that when they agreed that Ukraine would not pay Russia $40 billion for the gas in return for extension of the lease allowing Russia's Black Sea Fleet to be stationed in the Crimea.

  Aleh  Novikau, Minsk


20 April 2010

The case of Kurmanbek Bakiyev is consistent with the logic of the Belarusian authorities’ actions towards the plane crash near Smolensk. The decisions not to demonstrate the “Katyn” film and not to announce the mourning were made emotionally, to spite Moscow and Warsaw, without thinking about their consequences and about reaction of the society and the neighbouring countries.

  Akram  Murtazaev, Moscow


16 April 2010

Explosions take place in Russia again. The last week of March started with terrorist acts at the Moscow metro stations which were followed by blasts in the Dagestani city of Kizlar. The horror spread from the metro to the whole city.

  John  Marone, Kyiv


29 March 2010

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych symbolically selected Brussels as his first foreign visit upon taking the oath of office in what can only be seen as an exercise in public relations. The new government of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov headed straight for Moscow shortly thereafter with the sole intention of cutting a deal.

  Boris  Kagarlitsky, Moscow


25 March 2010

The protest actions, which the Russian extraparliamentary opposition had scheduled for March 20, were held as planned, they surprised or frightened nobody. Just as it had been expected, the activists of many organizations supporting the Wrath Day took to the streets… but saw there only the policemen, journalists and each other.

  Jules  Evans, London


17 June 2009

As I write, angry demonstrations continue in Tehran and elsewhere in the Islamic Republic of Iran, over what the young demonstrators perceive as the blatant rigging of the presidential election to keep Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in power for another five years. Reports suggest at least eight protestors have been killed by police.

  Kevin  O'Flynn, Moscow


08 December 2008

The cri… no the word will not be uttered. Now that President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin have finally allowed themselves to belatedly use the word, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to spit it out of these lips. It’s c-this and c-that. If there was C-Span in Russia then it would be c-ing all day and all night long.

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