The Constitution of Georgia was adopted in 1995.
In February 2004 the following amendments into the Constitution were passed by the Parliament:
- The Prime Minister post and the Cabinet joint responsibility institution were introduced;
- The Cabinet was conferred larger authorities and those of the President of Georgia were cut down so that he is no longer the head of the executive power unlike accordingly to the previous wording of the Constitution;
- The Parliament was conferred the power to dismiss the Cabinet and to declare the vote of no confidence to the whole Cabinet as well as to some of its members.
One of the crucial amendments into the Constitution conferred the President with the power to dissolve the Parliament.
On February 17, 2005 the Parliament moved an amendment into the Constitution declaring reduction of the Parliament membership number from 235 to 150. According to the amendments passed, the Parliament of 2008 will consist of 100 members elected by proportional system and 50 members elected by majority system.
On March 12, 2008 the Prliament approved a constitutional amendment. The amendment was aproved by the propresidential United National Movement parliamentary majority ahead of the parliamentary election set on May 2008. According to the amendment, the number of majoritarian MPs elected in single-mandate constituencies will increase in the new Parliament from 50 to 75 and those elected through the proportional party-list system will go down from 100 to 75.
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