Judicial branch
The judicial power is exercised by courts of civil, administrative and criminal procedures. The judicial bodies are the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and courts of lower jurisdictions. The peculiarity of Kazakhstan judicial system is in lack of arbitration tribunals as a separate branch. Economic disputes are settled in civil trials irrespective of the parties’ nature.
The Constitutional Council occupies a special position in the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Constitutional Council:
- settles in case of dispute the issue on rightness of holding elections of the President, Parliament Deputies and convening of the national referendum;
- examines before signing by the President the laws adopted by the Parliament to their conformity to the Constitution;
- examines before ratification international agreements to their conformity to the Constitution;
- gives formal interpretation of the Constitution norms;
- gives resolutions on observance of Constitution procedures.
The Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan> is different from the classic Constitutional Court in the following way: the final decision ruled by the Constitutional Council can be objected by the President. Presidential veto can be filed no later than within 10 days from the date the decision was received by the President and can be overridden by the two thirds of the total number of members of the Constitutional Council. In case the Presidential veto is not overridden the decision ruled by the Constitutional Council is not considered and constitutional proceedings are terminated.
Official Sites
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.supcourt.kz
Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.constcouncil.kz