Useful links
President - www.president.kz
Parliament - www.parlam.kz
The site contains general information about the two-chamber Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.supcourt.kz
Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.constcouncil.kz
Government - www.government.kz
Official site of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Agriculture - www.minagri.kz
Ministry of Defense - www.mod.kz
Ministry of Education and Science - www.edu.gov.kz
Ministry of Environment Protection - www.nature.kz
Ministry of Finance - www.minfin.kz
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - www.mfa.kz
Ministry of Health - www.dari.kz
Ministry of Industry and Trade - www.mit.kz
Ministry of Internal Affairs - www.mvd.kz
Ministry of Labor and Social Security - www.enbek.kz
National Environmental Action Plan for Sustainable Development - www.neapsd.kz
National Security Committee - www.knb.kz
Central Election Commission - www.election.kzwww.kazelection2004.org
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN - www.un.int/kazakhstan
National Postal Service - www.kazpost.kz
Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.stat.kz
Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS - www.cisstat.com
Official statistical information on social and economic situation in the CIS countries
Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zip (34 Kb)
Ak Zhol Democratic Party - www.dpkakzhol.kz
Asar Republican Political Party - www.asar.kz
Communist Party of Kazakhstan - www.compartykz.info
Democratic Party of Kazakhstan - www.dpk.kz
Otan Republican Political Party - www.otan.kz
Foreign Investors Council under the President of Kazakhstan - www.fic.kz
Investment Fund of Kazakhstan - www.ifk.kz
Kazakhstan Contract Agency - www.kca.kz
Kazakhstan Development Bank - www.kdb.kz
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange - www.kase.kz/eng
National Bank of Kazakhstan - www.nationalbank.kz
National Innovation Fund of Kazakhstan - www.nif.kz
Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.ccikaz.kz
Continent - www.continent.kz
Analytical magazine
Kazakhstan Development Gateway - www.kazakhstan-gateway.kz
Kazakhstan Today News Agency - www.gazeta.kz
Internet newspaper
Kazakhstanskaya Pravda - www.kazpravda.com
Daily newspaper
“Kazinform” National Information Agency - www.inform.kzwww.nkkazinform.kzwww.kazinform.org
“Khabar” News Agency of Kazakhstan - www.khabar.kz
“Caravan” - www.caravan.kz
Weekly newspaper on political and public issues
“Delovaya Nedelya” - www.dn.kz
Weekly newspaper
“Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” - www.kazpravda.kzwww.kazpravda.com
National daily newspaper
“Khabar” Agency –www.khabar.kz
The largest media agency in Kazakhstan which holds a TV channel, radio stations and several newspapers
“Novoe Pokolenie”–www.np.kz
Weekly newspaper on political issues
Weekly newspaper
“Vremya” - www.time.kz
Weekly newspaper
Assessment Risks Group (ARG) - www.risk.kz
Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists - www.asip.kz
International Institute for Modern Politics (IIMP) - www.iimp.kz
Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.kisi.kz
“Transparency Kazakhstan” - E-mail:
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - www.kazsu.kz
Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research - www.kimep.kz
Based in Almaty, it is one of the leading providers of modern business education in Kazakhstan and Central Asia
National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.nlrk.kz