Think Tanks
In Kazakhstan the market of expert and analytical studies is not enough developed. Along with the public there are also private analytical centers functioning.
For the Kazakh market of political surveys and consulting services the stress is usually made on personalities. As a rule, every notorious political scientist, or expert has his own “think tank”, however such structures are often unstable, the name of their founder is the only guarantee for their survival.
The main problem of the Kazakh think tanks is a weak methodological background of their studies, as well as dependence on the sponsors. Sometimes these factors bring to outrageous speculations that undermine the research area as a whole and its non-profit sector in particular.
Major Think Tanks of Kazakhstan:
Assessment Risks Group (ARG) - www.risk.kz
Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists - E-mail:
International Institute for Modern Politics (IIMP) - www.iimp.kz
Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - www.kisi.kz
“Transparency Kazakhstan” - E-mail: